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Nowadays 101internet.ru is a leading internet provider aggregator for searching internet connections in Russia. But not back in the days
What we had
  • a small amount of organic traffic

Firstly the website owner was doing SEO by himself and he was struggling at one point where a small amount of organic traffic was coming to the website. It was too low. And he asked NicheCapture to Capture the niche of internet provider aggregators in Russia. And there we go
What we’ve done
  • optimised each existing page
  • did the keyword research and
  • made proper structure for our website and planned each region, each category, subcategory, each internet provider webpage
  • built backlink strategy
We started to optimise each existing page and planned to make this website the hugest aggregator possible. We did the keyword research and found that there were no real competitors for us so we began to create the whole idea by ourselves. We made proper structure for our website and planned each region, each category, subcategory, each internet provider webpage and started to craft.

When the pages began to be optimised and websites started to pop off in Search Engine Index with more and more semantically, logically and structurally correct pages, our website started to grow like it is a bamboo tree.

We decided to let him grow, but since the website owner was trying to buy some backlinks on the website, we continued this strategy, but in a bit different way (let’s say our own way of building backlinks) and it worked.
What We Have:
We developed the perfect structure and system for our website so that it becomes the most suitable for Google to promote the search results of this for the SERP. And that’s how 101internet.ru became from zero to hero guy.