• Write 200 Posts vs 2-10 / mo
  • PROMOTE 2000-10000 KEYWORDS VS 50-200
  • Create 100-200 High-Quality & Natural Backlinks VS 2-5 / mo
  • Create Content That Perfectly Meets Google Requirements
You Get High Volume, Sustainable, Cost-effective Traffic & Leads With High ROI Through Achieved Strong Search Positions, Eliminating The Need For Ongoing Paid Ads Investment
SEO Results You Get After 6 Months of Work from Scratch:
Even If Competitors Repeat Our Unique Seo Techniques, It Will Take Them Years To Catch Up With You. During This Time, You Will Pump Even More
niche capture
seo services
100-1000 Keywords in TOP-10

(instead of usual 5-20 from 99% agencies)
(instead of usual 100-300 from 99% agencies)
1000-20000 Visitors
Be X20 Faster
Huge Leads Flow
Get Dominance
Compare Our NICHE CAPTURE SEO OFFER With 99% SEO Agencies Offers
99% SEO Agencies
New Blog Posts per Month
Keywords Promoted
Offsite Content Published
Technical task for a new blog post or service page based on
Mathematically Verified Google Requirements to Reach the top Position
personal opinion of an SEO specialist
Content is written by
Experienced Copywriters who Specialize in Your Industry, Understand Your Company Spirit, Your Product and Fill Your Customers
usually by a copywriter who does not specialize in your industry, not vetted, not native speaker
Experienced in-house Content Editor
Extra Class In-house Editor Who checks the content on Mompliance with SEO instructions, quality, plagiarism, and also Grammar, Logical & other Mistakes
Quality of Content
You get content that your clients like

It's expert, readable, inspires confidence in the professionalism of the company

Content is Created to Reach High Conversion Rates, to Transform your visitors to Customers
Content in not readable for humans.

it has a lot of unnecessary and empty information.

The content is not interesting to real customers and is made only for search engine robots.

Conversion to leads and orders is very low
Results after 3 month of work for a new website
20-100 keywords in top-10
300-3000 visitors
1-5 keywords in top-10
30-100 visitors
Results after 6 month of work for a new website
100-1000 keywords in top-10
1000-20000 visitors
5-20 keywords in top-10
100-300 visitors
Forecasts for New Websites. Optimization from Scratch
Results For a New Website After 3 Month:
  • 20-100 Keywords (instead of usual 1-5) in TOP-10
  • 300-3000 Visitors (instead of usual 30-100)

Results For a New Website After 6 Month:
  • 100-1000 Keywords (instead of usual 5-20) in TOP-10
  • 1000-20000 Visitors (instead of usual 100-300)

p.s. traffic forecast depends on the keyword request volume and the level of competition
How Fast Can I Reach Top Position and Get Lots of Traffic & Leads
Pains Of Businesses Who Do Have Lack of Seo Traffic
Inconsistent and Unpredictable Lead Generation
You Can't rely on a certain amount of traffic or certain customer acquisition cost over the long term with Paid Ads. Competitors Can Easily Copy Your Successful Ads or Increase Cost Per Click and Take Away Most of Your Traffic.
It's may be challenging to reach a wider audience and attract potential customers who are actively searching for their products or services
Lack of Leads & Sales
Reduced Cost-Efficiency
Relying solely on paid advertising for website traffic can lead to higher marketing costs and reduced cost-efficiency. Business owners may find it difficult to maintain profitability if they are constantly spending significant amounts on advertising without the benefit of sustainable organic traffic
Miss out on the opportunity to build a strong online presence, establish brand authority, and capture ongoing organic traffic that can generate consistent leads and revenue over time.
Missed Long-Term Opportunities
What Benefits You Get With Sustainable High-Volume SEO Traffic
  • Dominant Online Presence
    Enjoy a dominant online presence, appearing prominently in search results, which leads to increased brand visibility, higher website traffic, and greater exposure to potential customers
  • Targeted and Qualified Leads
    Get targeted and qualified leads, attract an audience actively searching for your products or services, resulting in higher conversion rates and improved return on investment (ROI)
  • Cost-Effective Marketing
    Reduce reliance on costly paid advertising, resulting in a cost-effective marketing strategy that generates consistent organic traffic and leads, providing a higher ROI and long-term financial savings
  • Competitive Edge & Market Dominance
    Gain a competitive edge by outperforming competitors, securing top positions in search results, and establishing themselves as industry leaders, leading to increased market share, customer trust, and brand authority.
  • Unlimited Growth Potential
    Scale effectively, expanding your reach and customer base without incurring exponential advertising costs, facilitating long-term growth, and maximizing revenue potential
  • Established Brand Reputation
    Enhance your business's brand authority and build trust among consumers. By consistently appearing in top search results, business gains credibility, perceived expertise, and a strong reputation, fostering customer loyalty and attracting new customers
We provide Internet marketing services for dozens of small, medium and large businesses in the United States.

We also develop our own online projects in the US market and worldwide.

The competition in the US market in many niches is huge, we had projects where the competition for key queries in SEO was 100 out of 100 i.e. the highest possible.

In order to achieve results and outperform competitors on a limited budget in such complex niches, we were forced to find tricks, marketing hacks that would allow us to be not several times, but ten times faster and more efficient than our competitors.
How We Defeated Competitors in the US Market in Niches with Competition in SEO 100 out of 100
So We Decided to Build and Offer Unique Niche Capture SEO Services

that 99% SEO Agencies Can't Offer

It helps to:

- Create Sustainable High-Volume SEO Traffic

- Get the Unique Traffic Competitive Edge

- Build SEO Traffic Monopoly & Get Market Dominance

We Write 100-200 High-Quality Blog Posts Per Month (Instead of 2-10 from 99% agencies)


We Create 100-200 High-Quality & Natural Backlinks Per Month Instead of 2-10 from 99% Agencies

We use Mathematically Based AI Analysis To Write Content That Perfectly Meets Google Requirements

You Get Copywriters Who Specialize in Your Industry and Extra Class Experienced In-house Content Editor to Create only Readable, Valuable & Conversion Rates Focused Content
For most agencies, the prime cost of an implementation of such a strategy will be $30-50K per month

They don't have Exclusive Contracts with High-Quality Link Sellers

They don't have 170+ vetted copywriters & in-house editor

Few have won the 100 out of 100 SEO competition in the US market
99% SEO Agencies Can't Offer You Such Niche Capture Strategy
We Write 100-200 High-Quality Blog Posts Per Month
Instead of 2-10 from 99% agencies
  • Increased Content Freshness and Relevance
    Publishing 100-200 high-quality blog posts per month ensures a steady stream of fresh and relevant content for search engines to crawl and index.

    This consistent output demonstrates to search engines that your website is actively providing valuable information, which can lead to higher visibility and improved SEO rankings.
  • Expanded Keyword Coverage
    With a larger volume of blog posts, you have the opportunity to cover a wider range of keywords and topics.

    This broadens your website's visibility in search results, capturing more organic traffic from diverse search queries and attracting a larger audience interested in various aspects of your niche.
  • Improved User Engagement and Interaction
    Regularly publishing high-quality blog posts encourages user engagement and interaction.

    By offering valuable and informative content, you can attract more readers, encourage social sharing, and foster discussions through comments.

    These positive user signals contribute to improved SEO rankings and increased organic visibility
  • Increased Internal Linking Opportunities
    With a larger number of blog posts, you have more internal linking opportunities within your website.

    This allows you to establish a strong internal linking structure, guiding users and search engines to relevant content, improving user experience, and boosting SEO rankings
  • Enhanced Authority and Thought Leadership
    Consistently delivering high-quality blog posts showcases your expertise and establishes your website as an authority in your niche.

    This can attract backlinks from other reputable websites, further boosting your website's authority, and improving SEO rankings
  • Long-Term Traffic and Evergreen Content
    By consistently publishing high-quality blog posts, you create a library of evergreen content that continues to attract organic traffic over time.

    These blog posts can rank well in search results for months or even years, driving continuous traffic to your website and providing a lasting return on your SEO efforts.
  • Competitive Advantage
    A comprehensive keyword strategy allows you to outshine competitors who are solely focused on a smaller set of keywords.

    It enables you to occupy more search engine results, pushing your competition further down the search results and potentially capturing a larger share of the market
  • Get Traffic Faster
    By targeting a vast array of keywords, your website can appear in search results for a wider range of search queries, highly speeding up getting high rankings, boosting traffic and reaching a larger audience.
  • Increased Long-Tail Potential
    Long-tail keywords, which are more specific and less competitive, can account for a significant portion of search traffic.

    By incorporating a vast array of long-tail keywords into your strategy, you can capture highly targeted and valuable traffic that may be missed by focusing on a limited number of keywords
  • Greater Relevance
    A diverse keyword portfolio allows you to align your content with a variety of user intents, ensuring that your website matches the specific needs and interests of a broader spectrum of potential customers
  • Better SERP Domination
    With a comprehensive keyword strategy, you have the potential to dominate search engine results pages (SERPs) across multiple keywords. This can lead to higher brand visibility, credibility, and trust, further solidifying your online presence.
  • Future-Proofing
    As search engine algorithms evolve and user behavior changes, a diverse keyword strategy allows you to adapt and stay ahead of the curve.

    By staying nimble and agile with your keyword optimization, you can future-proof your website's visibility and maintain a strong online presence
Why Our Content Reaches the Top Positions in Google & Bring Customers
We Create the Content Based on Unique In-depth Mathematic AI Analysis of top-Ranking Pages for a Given Keyword.

So We Know Exactly What Google Wants - Content Structure, Word count, Keyword density, Relevant Keywords and Phrases that Should be Incorporated Into the Content
Mathematically Based AI Analysis To Write Content That Perfectly Meets Google Requirements
We've launched a Copywriting StartUp with a Team of 150+ US-based Top-Level Writers who are native speakers and passed our 5-step Hiring System

Our Writers Cover 40+ Industries and We Always Find a Writers who Understand Your Industry, Your Company Spirit, Your Product and Fill Your Customers
You Get Copywriters Who Specialize in Your Industry
Extra Class In-house Editor Who checks the content on compliance with SEO instructions, readability, quality, plagiarism, and also Grammar, Logical & other Mistakes
Extra Class Experienced
In-house Content Editor
Readable, Valuable & Conversion Rates Focused Content
To increase profits, your business needs not only visitors, but leads and customers.

That's Why We Write Readable, Valuable & Conversion Rates Focused Content

Such a Content also helps to achieve better user experience, increased engagement, lower bounce rates, and as a result improved SEO performance
As a result you get
We Create 100-200 High-Quality & Natural Backlinks Per Month Instead of 2-10 from 99% Agencies

We Have Exclusive Contracts with High-Quality Link Sellers to Make Your External SEO Optimization 6-10 Times More Effective Than 99% of SEO Agencies do
  • Enhanced Authority and Trust
    Search engines consider the number and quality of backlinks as a signal of a website's authority and trustworthiness.

    By acquiring a larger volume of high-quality backlinks, you can demonstrate to search engines that your website is reputable and deserving of higher rankings
  • Diversified Link Profile
    A larger number of backlinks allows for a more diverse link profile.

    Having links from a variety of domains and sources can contribute to a more natural and organic link profile, which is favorable in the eyes of search engines.

    It also reduces the risk of overreliance on a few specific backlinks, making your SEO strategy more resilient
  • Increased Referral Traffic
    With more backlinks pointing to your website, you have the potential to attract a greater volume of referral traffic.

    Each backlink serves as a pathway for users to discover your website, increasing the chances of generating leads, conversions, and revenue
  • Broadened Visibility and Exposure
    The more backlinks your website has, the more opportunities it has to appear on different websites, blogs, and platforms.

    This expanded visibility can expose your brand to new audiences, leading to increased brand awareness, recognition, and potential customer acquisition
  • Improved Indexation and Crawling
    Backlinks serve as pathways for search engine crawlers to discover and index your website's pages.

    With a larger number of backlinks, search engines are more likely to crawl and index your website more frequently, ensuring that your content is properly analyzed and included in search engine results
  • Competitive Edge
    In a competitive online landscape, acquiring a larger volume of high-quality backlinks can give you an advantage over competitors who have fewer backlinks.

    It allows you to build a stronger online presence, outrank competitors in search results, and attract a larger share of organic traffic
  • Adaptability to Algorithm Changes
    Search engine algorithms continuously evolve, and their ranking factors may change over time.

    By actively acquiring a substantial number of high-quality backlinks, you establish a foundation that can withstand algorithm updates, reducing the risk of sudden drops in search rankings
  • High-Quality Backlinks Priority
    While quantity can be beneficial, it should not come at the expense of sacrificing quality. We strive for a balance by consistently acquiring high-quality backlinks from reputable and relevant sources to maximize the benefits for your SEO efforts.
Even If Competitors Repeat Our Unique Seo Techniques, It Will Take Them Years To Catch Up With You.

During This Time, You Will Pump Even More

So it's Imposible to Bit You in Your Niche Keep Growing With This Tempo
How Hard Will it be For Competitors to Overtake Me and Knock me Out of the Top of Google?
No, positions won't fall. You'll be still receiving traffic from the pages we created

If competitors do standard strategy it will take 3-7 years to even line up with you
If, After Year of Working With Us, We Stop Working, Will Our Positions Fall? Will We Stop Receiving Traffic?
NICHE CAPTURE seo Packages
All Packages Include:
after 12-month promotion for a new website
1000-10000 Visitors / mo
2000-10000 Keywords Promoted
100 Onsite Blogs / mo
10 Service pages / mo
20 Offsite Content / mo
200 High-Quality & Natural
Backlinks / mo
$2990 / mo
1500-15000 Visitors / mo
after 12-month promotion for a new website
$4990 / mo
2000-10000 Keywords Promoted
150 Onsite Blogs / mo
15 Service pages / mo
25 Offsite Content / mo
300 High-Quality & Natural
Backlinks / mo
3000-20000 Visitors / mo
after 12-month promotion for a new website
$7990 / mo
2000-10000 Keywords Promoted
200 Onsite Blogs / mo
20 Service pages / mo
30 Offsite Content / mo
400 High-Quality & Natural
Backlinks / mo
  • Tech Audit
  • Keyword Research
  • Title/Description/H1
  • Content Optimization
  • Super SEO Blog Strategy
  • Local Listings
  • EEAT complex
  • Mathematically Based AI Analysis
  • Extra Class In-house Editor
  • Experienced Copywriters
who Specialize in Your Industry

p.s. we indicate the range in the traffic forecast because the traffic results depends on the keyword request volume and the level of competition

How Fast Will My SEO Investment Pay Off?